Prayers of Hope for the Children & Home

Billy Graham once said, “Prayer is simply a two-way conversation between you and God.” That is exactly what we tell the youth at Indiana United Methodist Children’s Home.

Prayers are powerful!

That is why we are asking you to pray for our youth through our Prayers of Hope initiative. The youth at the Home have many prayer requests and need the love and support from our staff and from friends of the Home.

Here is how our Prayers of Hope work: At the bottom of this page, there is a form for you to place your email. On the third Thursday of each month, 5-6 prayer requests from our youth will be emailed to you. If you do not have email, not to worry! Please call the Foundation at 317-775-0606 and we can arrange for physical copies to be mailed.

Below is our most recent monthly Prayers of Hope.

July 2024

Dear Friends,

Thank you for lifting up the youth at Indiana United Methodist Children’s Home in prayer. The Bible tells us about the power of prayer. Philippians 4:6 says, “Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God; and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.”

For privacy reasons, we have changed the names in each prayer…but God knows exactly who they are and what they need!

“Answer me when I call, O God of my righteousness! You have given me relief when I was in distress. Be gracious to me and hear my prayer!”  – Psalm 4:1

Dear God: Thank You for protecting our students when they are near and far. In a few days, our students will be going to an amusement park. Please keep them unharmed during their travel. Psalms 121:8 says, ‘The Lord will protect us on our journeys whether going or coming from now until forever more.’ We praise You, God, for keeping our youth safe and secure. Thank You for providing new and exciting experiences for our students. In Your Name, we pray, Amen.

Lord, we pray for Bryant who will be going to college in a few weeks. Help him face college with calmness, confidence, courage, and wisdom. You are the giver of knowledge, Lord. Bryant carries in his heart great hope for the future. Help Bryant stand against negative peer pressure. Help him manage tasks that are outside of his comfort zone. Thank You for being Bryant’s strong defender and refuge. Amen

Almighty God: We celebrate with Kristen as she is the new chapel worker. As she works with Pastor Perry, please give her the strength and confidence to make a positive difference in the chapel. Thank You for leading Kristen to this new job. May she grow and thrive under Your loving guidance. Amen.

Lord, we pray for Lance. He will be the first student to live in one of the Home’s Independent Living apartments. This is an exciting time for Lance. Please protect him as he starts a new beginning full of opportunities. Surround him with people who want to help him succeed. Help him make responsible decisions as he deals with life’s challenges. Let him know that many people care about his happiness and well-being. In Your Name, we pray, Amen.

Lord, we pray for Jake, Lena, and Angel who are taking online substance abuse classes. Please keep them motivated to complete the course and not give up. Thank You for instilling in them new ways to improve their lives and to accept responsibility for their mind, body, and soul. Help them to resist temptations through prayer and fellowship with others. May they rest in the certainty of Your healing power. For we know that with You, all things are possible. Amen.

Thank you for praying for our youth. 

Sign up to receive our monthly Prayers of Hope and help us pray for the needs of our children, as well as receive our quarterly Home News to learn about the good work Indiana United Methodist Children’s Home is doing in our community.